What you wanted to know before menopause

If you haven’t yet been through menopause, some of your FOF sisters reveal what they wish they knew before they had! Kellie explains it perfectly.

“I wish I knew that all the hype was for nothing. Like I told my doctor: It was like I was waiting for this big, huge game-changing parade and then nothing happened. Not that I was disappointed. Just that it taught me to understand that we are all individuals. What happens to one likely won’t be the same for another. Go with the flow. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the anxiety and build up. I now treat life like that; go with the flow; it’s my journey.”

Kellie Suzanne

“Waking up feeling more tired than when I went to bed due to the waking up every two hours. The crazy weight gain that came even though I eat half of what I used to. Just have zero energy!”

Debbie Mast-Albright

“I had no idea how great it is to not get your period!”

Shelly Gail


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Is the internet making you sick?

If you’re like me, and most every woman I know, you race to Google every ache, pain or unusual physical symptom that pops up.



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Why I love my estrogen patch

More than six months ago–Wednesday, April 20th, to be precise–I put on my first Estradiol patch, which dispenses 1 mg of estrogen a day through my skin.

I started taking estrogen again after bidding it adieu seven years earlier, because I could no longer stand what was happening to my body without it. Weight gain.  Thinning hair. Lipid levels out of whack. Skin sagging on my face, not to mention elsewhere. Bones weakening.

It was especially disturbing when the cardiologist I was seeing started pushing statins to lower my cholesterol, and I mean pushing. My good and bad cholesterol numbers had always been impressive (a doctor once joked that I could get infusions of bad cholesterol and still have great numbers!) but they started creeping up, post estrogen, and it took me years to connect the two. The cardiologist, a woman in her fifties, didn’t have a clue about the benefits of estrogen for our lipid levels, or heart health, but she sure sounded like she was a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical companies that sell statins, one of the most prescribed drugs in the US.


I recently had a full blood workup and a fasting 24-hour urine test and, lo and behold, my cholesterol numbers markedly improved. Here’s how they look.

Although my overall cholesterol, at 206,  is still a bit high, the numbers that are far more significant are the 20 percent  improvement in LDL (bad) cholesterol and a 19 percent improvement in non-HDL cholesterol.  

Keep Reading…

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Why estrogen therapy IS good for you

Dr. Tara Allmen is a “51-year-old girl” who realized she “really had a passion for midlife women’s health, for the above 40 crowd,”  when she was a practicing obgyn in her early 30s.

I think I delivered about a million babies at that point, and while I loved the practice of obstetrics (the care of reproductive aged women), there was something very special for me about taking care of women after their reproductive period was over.  I felt a passion and a mission to start educating women, because once you’re done making babies you’re sort of tossed aside for the next group of women coming up the pike, and nobody educates you about what’s next for you.

TaraAllmenMD-slider-Castle-Connolly-Medical-3-10-16 (more…)

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