We’d like to think we’re all around great mums, but a single mothering persona usually stands out, way above the rest. When your kids think about you, what image would they conjure up?
Tell us which type of mum you think you are, then share this list
with your kids and see what they say!
1. The Cool Mum
You not only smoke pot with them, you supply it.

2. The Twin
Like daughter, like mother.

3. The Buddy Mum
You want to hang out with their pals just as much as they do.

4. The Hands-On Mum
You stay on top of everything, from their bills to their bowel movements.

5. The Hands-Off Mum
It’s your kid’s life and you let her (or him) live it.

6. The M.I.L.F.
If you don’t know what this means, don’t Google it at work.

7. The Matchmaker
You’re always on the lookout for your future son or daughter-in-law.

8. The Magnificent Mum
You haven’t disagreed since they were in middle school.

9. The Proud Mum
Their accomplishments creep into every conversation.

10. The Cross-Examiner
Most every sentence takes the form of a question.

11. The Guru
You’re their doctor, lawyer, financial advisor, and therapist.

Which type(s) are you?
One Response to “11 types of mums: Which one are you?”
Gillian MacDougall says:
I think I’m a hands off mum